ESS - Details section

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hrsettings detail.png hrsettings data.png hrsettings diaries.png hrsettings forms.png hrsettings vacancies.png
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1 Overview

This section forms part of the bxp ESS (Employee Self-Service) management system. Employee_Self-Service_(ESS)

1.1 hrsettings detail.png Details

These are the fields that can be seen. When a field of information can be seen, there will be two options. The field can be read only and the field can be edited. If read only the field will show the data for information purposes only. If editable, the user can change the data themselves and save the HR department from having to make the changes.

ess fulllayout 001.png

A completely customisable layout is possible. The format is HTML using replacements. Each field is marked with --strFieldName#Type-- Type can be Edit or Read. The strFieldName is from a list of potential fields listed below.