The -- field notation

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The -- notation Standard replacements The -- notation for bxp forms Special replacements
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In Microsoft Word it is possible to do a mail merge. define a mail merge as:

Definition: A feature of word processing programs that allows the user to insert data from a data source into a second document. Frequently used for putting together mailings, it can be used to create any kind of document. It is particularly helpful when creating multiple copies of a document that requires customized information. [1]

bxp software (bxp) has the ability to perform a mail merge as well, but directly in emails, SMS messages and templates.

In order to tell bxp which part you want to replace you have to highlight to bxp that you want to attempt a replacement.

This is done using the -- Notation (minus minus notation).

Create a block of text in specific system areas and you can then replace words into the block of text. e.g.

"Thank you for calling today, my name was --strAgent_Name--."

This tells bxp to replace --strAgent_Name-- with the name of the person who is currently logged in.

The -- notation is used extensively throughout bxp.