Form - Delete a Question

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1 Overview

In bxp software (bxp) it is really easy to add questions to a form. Either through the form console

Main Menu > Form Management > Form - Primary Management > Choose your Form > in the console on the left hand side "Question Addition" > Add the question

or through:

Main Menu > Form Management > Form - Question Management > Question - Add > Choose your Form > Add the question

One question we are often asked is "how do I delete a question?"

It is not possible to delete a question in bxp but it is possible to remove it from operational view.

When creating a form bxp stores its data in a CDA database table (more info on these is available in CC-1-3 Contact_Centre_Training)

The system will add a new field to the database and also sequentially add information about how to draw the question and options for it.

As all of the addition is sequential, the system must maintain the sequence. So when a field is added, it will always be part of that form.

There are two options.

  • Recycle
  • Retire

2 Recycle

Recycle means instead of adding a new field to your script, rename, reuse and reorder the question and that will address the spare field.

If you need to wipe data from the field as well, especially in the case of recycling a question. Main Menu > Form Management > Form - Data Cleaning > Mass Update - Single Field Update - All records > Choose your Form > Choose the field, leave the value blank and click "Update all Records"

It is not possible to recycle just one field from a complex type. The process must be repeated for each field in the complex type.

3 Retire

Retire is another option. This option asks bxp not to draw the question as part of the script when displayed on screen, but the field will remain an option available for reports to include. A best practice process for retiring a question is

  • Firstly make sure the question is not used in any custom JavaScript you may have added to the form.
  • Next, go in to edit the question ( Main Menu > Form Management > Form - Question Management > Question - Edit > Choose your Form > Edit the question ) and:
    • Rename the question and add "Retired - " to the start of whatever the current value in the Question box is.
    • Ensure that the "Initially Visible" is set to True. This removes the opportunity for it to cause JavaScript errors on lookup and usage screens.
    • Change the "Order" to 500, to move the question to the bottom of your script for ease of management
    • Change the "Status" to "Inactive"
    • Ensure the Search Display Field is set to False
    • Click the "Update question" button at the bottom
  • Finally, go into Field Mapping ( Main Menu > Form Management > Form - Field Mapping > Field Mapping - Manage > Choose your Form > ). Scroll to the bottom and you should easily find your question. Add "Retired - " to the front of whatever value is currently mapped.

Please note this process also ensures that no data is deleted from this field, so the data is available to the reporting.

If you need to wipe data from the field as well: Main Menu > Form Management > Form - Data Cleaning > Mass Update - Single Field Update - All records > Choose your Form > Choose the field, leave the value blank and click "Update all Records"

It is not possible to retire just one field from a complex type. The process must be repeated for each field in the complex type.