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1 Source

N.B.  This API is a subst of the full bxp API Bxp_API

2 Introduction

The bxp API (Application Programming Interface) allows digital interaction with bxp without the need for a human to interact with bxp.

The bxp APP API is a subset of the bxp API designed specifically to work with APPs.

3 How it works

The APP API requires secure posts to be sent to the relevant system. This can be done using a number of DOM (Document Object Technologies)

The primary post is sent to https://ww3.allnone.ie/client/client_demo/cti/userAPP_Main.asp You must replace client_demo with the system you are communicating with.

A number of criteria must be passed for the process to work. The first process is a login process which will provide tokenisation for your app.

After login, all function calls must include the tokens in order for the API to respond correctly.

4 Functions

4.1 Function List

The functions are laid out in terms of usual order of processing






Future build items

  • reminders (future build)
  • todo (future build)
  • list_reminders (future build)
  • list_appointment (future build)

5 Error Listing

For a full listing of all errors Bxp_API_APP_-_Error_Listing

6 History

This API was developed to further the work of Calvin O'Brien and Adam McGivern who work as interns in All n One developing the bxp APP for iPhone, Android and Microsoft devices.

More details on the original project spec can be found here.