Java Script Hospital Red Green

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function fn_PopulatePrivateHospitalTable(){
	document.getElementById('HospitalListPrivate').innerHTML =	'';	
	if (typeof aryAjax_Settings=="undefined")
		alert("Library did not load");
	else {

		aryAjax_Settings[0] 	= "";                                             	 	 	//Your system name
		aryAjax_Settings[1] 	= "";                                                              	//The CMI API Username
		aryAjax_Settings[2] 	= "";                                                              	//The CMI API User password
		aryAjax_Settings[3] 	= "1";                                                             	//The Id of the campaign
		aryAjax_Settings[4] 	= 'strCDA_1_field_0_0';		
		aryAjax_Settings[5] 	= document.getElementById('strCDA_2_field_0_59').value;	           
		aryAjax_Settings[13] 	= "-1";                                                            	//Id of the current record, used for delimiting and not repeating current 
		aryAjax_Settings[14] 	= "true";                                                         	//Click through to campaign?
		aryAjax_Settings[15] 	= "HospitalListPrivate";                                   	        //The id of the destination to which the matching links will be inserted
		aryAjax_Settings[16] 	= "LiveSearchTable";                                              	//The types of processing
		aryAjax_Settings[6] 	= 'intCDA_1_Id,intCDA_1_Id,strCDA_1_field_0_1,strCDA_1_field_0_3';
		aryAjax_Settings[12] 	= 'Id,Hospital Name,Post Code,AMH';
		aryAjax_Settings[17] 	= 'intCDA_1_Id,intCDA_1_Id,strCDA_1_field_0_1,strCDA_1_field_0_3';

		//Use my login to allow me to search
		aryAjax_Settings[22] 	= document.getElementById('intSystemGenerated_CompanyId').value;   	//Auto Login - System
		aryAjax_Settings[23] 	= document.getElementById('intSystemGenerated_UserId').value;      	//Auto Login - User
		aryAjax_Settings[24] 	= document.getElementById('intSystemGenerated_LoginKey').value;    	//Auto Login - SessionId

		//LiveSearch fields
		aryAjax_Settings[25] 	= "strCDA_2_field_0_60";                                          	//Field to be updated when live option clicked
		//Live Search Format Options
		aryAjax_Settings[29] 	= "Last";								//Buttons in the first column or the last column 	
		aryAjax_Settings[30] 	= "Green,Red";								//Green/Red button functionality 					
		aryAjax_Settings[31] 	= "Select Hospital,Not Available";					//Button Text (multi separated by ','  				
		aryAjax_Settings[32] 	= "0";									//value for matching to show button 2 				