HRM - General Reporting - Abutment Report

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1 Overview

"To abut" means to be adjacent to; border on Link

This report provides analytics for sickness reporting to track specifically sick leave that may be adjacent to or abutting the weekend. Specifically looking at Fridays and Mondays.

Monday illness and staff who view sickness of a Friday before a bank holiday Monday, may be developing bad habits, patterns or pose operational challenges that require HR's support to resolve. The abutment report helps to highlight where these patterns may be developing.

2 Operation

2.1 Screen 1

abutment 001.png

  • Step 1 is to choose a time frame wide enough that it can explore the patterns that might be developing. Usually in years this window should be set large enough.
  • Step 2 is to decide do you want to analyse only Mondays, Fridays or include both.
  • Step 3 helps to focus on frequency of occurrences. Starting with a high value such as 5 or more will help the focus report more but may demonstrate a very low return, which is ideal.
  • Step 4 is to choose the focus of the staff. Currently employed (active bxp accounts), former staff (retired bxp accounts) or all staff. Depending on your report active is generally the best approach.

2.2 Screen 2

abutment 002.png

In the redacted example above we can see three people. In a five month window, person 2 has had 3 sick days all on Mondays. All approximately mid month. There may be something needs addressing. It may just have been coincidence but it has been flagged by the report and makes it available to HR and managers to make decisions on it.