ECourse Campaign Data

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This option allows campaign data to be stored in a hidden field on the page to reduce the amount AJAX lookups and retrieval of data from campaigns.

The system uses two splitting paramaters

  • ##B##! this is the end of an item
  • ##A##! this is the spliiting of values per item

So how to construct one of these. Say you have a campaign ... campaign 41. You want to use the current items of this campaign as a list. All the items in this list are in strCDA_41_field_0_4. Step 1 is to retrieve data into the campaign. The separating charcter we will use is the tilda ~. The fields needed are:

  1.  : The campaign Id
  2.  : The fields you want to retrieve
  3.  : The elements of a where clause
  4.  : The elements of an order clause
  5.  : The separation character desired
  6.  : The field in the querystring to limit by
  7.  : If there is no value found in the query string... continue drawing the hidden field... usually false

So the format is 1##A##!2##A##!3##A##!4##A##!5##A##!6##A##!7##B##!

So for our campaign 41.

41##A##!strCDA_41_field_0_4##A##!strCDA_41_field_0_4 like '%test'##A##!intCDA_41_Id ASC##A##!~##A##!strCDA_41_field_0_9##A##!false##B##!

Where a listing of all valid user logins is required in a select list use the following


This will create a hidden select list called selectStaffList which can then be used by your JavaScript.