Data Profiling - Instant - Statistics

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1 Overview

This section of the Data Profiling module allows for Statistics reports to be quickly output with little to no configuration requirements.

The reports are based on CDAs and CCLs. Some of the reports require the Organogram of the system to be set up properly so that Team reports can output correctly.

2 Instant - Statistics

  • Statistics - Data - Report by Week
  • Statistics - Data - Report by Period
  • Statistics - User - Report by Week
  • Statistics - User - Report by Period
  • Statistics - Display Duration - Report by Period
  • Statistics - Grouped Outcome - Report by Period

2.1 Statistics - Data - Report by Week

Statistics - Data - Report by Week

This report provides a 7 day grid of days on the x, and outcomes on the y axis. In each box there are three figures.

  • Top left is the count
  • Top right is the percentage of this outcome this week
  • Bottom is the percentage of this outcome for this day

  • Choose the week you wish to report on and choose the campaign you wish to report on
  • The agents weekly report statistics will be displayed on the screen.

2.2 Statistics - Data - Report by Period

Statistics - Data - Report by Period

This report provides a summated count of outcomes for a period and the percentage that count represents for the period selected.

  • Choose the date period on which to report from and the campaign you would like the report to be based on
  • The weekly statistics for this campaign’s outcomes will be displayed on screen showing percentages, numbers and totals. Here, you can print the page or copy to clipboard also.

2.3 Statistics - User - Report by Week

Statistics - User - Report by Week

This report cycles for 7 days. For each day, it groups by Department the users. Within each department it lists all the users. Each column is an outcome, with the outcomes displayed vertically underneath and a total for each department as the light blue line beneath each department.

  • Choose the week you wish to report on and choose the campaign you wish to report on.
  • The weekly statistics for this campaign’s outcomes will be displayed on screen showing percentages, numbers and totals. Here, you can print the page or copy to clipboard also.

2.4 Statistics - User - Report by Period

This report relies heavily on the organogram being correctly set up

Statistics - User - Report by Period

The report extracts every group from the organogram. Each group then has two counts performed. The left image is the count breakdown of the outcomes logged by that group. The right image is the count breakdown of the team members within that group.

The final two images are overall images. The left one gives a breakdown for all outcomes logged. The right one gives a count of the contribution overall of each group.

Below the images all the groups are detailed as to how the numbers were generated. This follows the same layout as Statistics - User - Report by Week but it ones does one entry for the entire period selected, not broken down by week.

  • Choose the date period on which to report from and the campaign you would like the report to be based on
  • This will generate a report on the outcome data for that date period. Giving percentages and numbers and totals.

2.5 Statistics - Display Duration - Report by Period

Statistics - Display Duration - Report by Period

This report generates an Excel spreadsheet report. It shows every CCL logged in the period. It also contains the duration that the record was displayed on screen to the user. This data can then be easily filtered and manipulated in Excel for performance reporting purposes.

  • This report generates a Start – End Duration of calls for all contacts.
  • Choose the date period and the campaign on which to report from and the records will be listed on screen.

2.6 Statistics - Grouped Outcome - Report by Period

Statistics - Grouped Outcome - Report by Period

For more information on the Grouped Outcome report please review Data_Profiling_-_Grouped_Outcome

  • Choose the dates in which to report from.
  • Choose the campaign to report against.
  • Choose the outcome grouping (Set up in the individual outcomes of the campaign).
  • A report is generated with a count of each outcomes grouping with a Pie chart to represent the data.
  • By clicking on the outcome groupings a drill down view is shown of all the outcomes that make-up the that group