Customised Group - Direct linking to a group with parameters

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1 Direct linking with dates values

When generating a worklist using customised groups the system can accept a set of specific dates to search between, and will only return records that have been interacted with within that timeframe. By default this is done manually using a built in date selector utility, however it is often useful to be able to redirect a user to a worklist without them having to interact with this step.

This can be achieved by first configuring the group to use no default time period, creating a link to the worklist and then passing the the start and end date for the desired time period as dteReport_From and dteReport_To respectively. The resulting link should look similar to the following:

Where XXX is the ID of the customized group.

This method will also work if the customized group is configured as an export instead of a worklist.

2 Direct linking with custom parameters

Customized groups can also be configured to accept custom parameters defined by the user, this allows for the creation of dynamic Worklists and exports that can change based on user input.

For example, if you want to create a worklist that will show you all of the records assigned to a specific status, you can create a customized group with a condition that Status must be equal to that particular value.

However, if you have twenty statues, and you need a worklist for all twenty, that then would require twenty individual but almost identical customized groups, each with hard coded conditions for each of the statues. In this scenario, you can instead create a dynamic list that will accept a value for Status as a parameter, shrinking twenty worklists back to just one.

To do this, create a customized group as normal, then instead of specifying a set value in the the grouping configuration menu, specify a variable name using the format --variableName--. Now, when linking to your completed worklist, include the name of the variable and assign it a value like so