Basic - Shopping Cart

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1 Overview

The shopping cart was introduced in February 2016, as a way of quickly and easily building a dynamic listing and selection engine for quote generation and invoice creation.

This article discusses its setup and operation

2 Setup

2.1 The products

The first thing about a shopping cart is having items to put in it.

To save you some time,you can build from an Excel sheet File:ProductListingv1-1.xlsx

If you prefer to build by hand... create a form and in that form have the following fields.

Title Text Box The name of the product
Price Ex VAT Number box The price of the product without VAT added
VAT Text Box For the VAT rate of the product. This can include the % symbol
Info Web Box This is a URL / link for more information on the product

With that done, make a note of the fields, i.e. the strCDA_X_field_0_Y notation for each field.

You can then mass populate the form with all your products from an Excel spreadsheet or similar data source. If you're moving from paper to computer, this is a data entry exercise, which All n One can help find someone to help you with this.

So now we have a form with products to sell. Lets call this form, Products, with an Id of 858.

Title strCDA_858_field_0_1
Price Ex VAT strCDA_858_field_0_2
VAT strCDA_858_field_0_4
Info strCDA_858_field_0_5

2.2 The quotation form

Now we build a quotation form. We add the usual details at the top for any quotation.

Prospect Name Complex - Title Block For capturing a name
Prospect Phone Basic Text Box For follow up if desired
Prospect Email Basic Text Box For sending the quote by email if desired
Where did you hear about us? Basic - List / Menu For marketing purposes
Notes Basic - Text Area For more sales info / rapport building info

Now we come to the new question type.

Add the question of Basic - Shopping Cart, title of Shopping Cart and then fill out the values.

2.3 The values

There are a number of configuration values possible.

Title Sample Data Description
Show Fields Yes-Yes-Yes-Yes Show Number, Show Price Ex Vat, Show VAT Rate, Show Price Inc VAT
Max Quantity 0-10-1 Start at 0, go up to 10, by 1 each time, i.e. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
Currency EUR Also supports GBP for British pounds
Form Id to search 858 The id of the form with the products
Id field intCDA_858_Id What is the id field of the products form
Search field strCDA_858_field_0_1 When a user is looking up which field should it use, usually the title
Title field strCDA_858_field_0_1 When a match is found, which field should be shown, usually the title
Column heading for title field Title What title should be given to the column
Field - price ex vat strCDA_858_field_0_2 Which product field holds the price ex VAT
Field - price vat rate strCDA_858_field_0_4 Which product field holds the vat rate
Field - info link strCDA_858_field_0_5 Which field holds the URL / link to the product information
Function on search When a search is performed, should an extra JavaScript function be called, no commas or semicolons needed. Warnings / notifications about stock?
Function on add When an item is added to the cart, should an extra JavaScript function be called, no commas or semicolons needed. e.g. Limit amount of items to 10?
Function on calculate When the vats and totals are calculated, should an extra JavaScript function be called, no commas or semicolons needed. e.g. Check credit rating?
Function on remove When an item is removed from the cart, should an extra JavaScript function be called, no commas or semicolons needed. e.g. Alternative suggestions?
Search - Extra Field Limit If extra / limiting search criteria need to be added to the products, what fields should be added.
Search - Extra Value Limit If extra / limiting search criteria need to be added to the products, what values will be searched in the limiting search fields.

Once you hook up the fields, the cart will look after itself.

2.4 Result example

shoppingcart 001.png

At the top is the search field, the title. We have searched for the keyword blue and all the products with blue in the title appear in the search area just below.

We click the button to the left of the products which adds the product to the cart below.

We chose item 97 first, which goes in as Item 1 in our shopping cart.

You can see the "info" link beside the product. Clicking this pops open a new window with the product information on it.

You can see the price and vat rate are hoovered in from the product list. The price including VAT is calculated from the rate and price ex vat.

In the next column we have selected a max of 10 items. This results in a value of 60. 5.00 per item @ 20% VAT is 1.00 of VAT. 5.00 + 1.00 = 6.00 Including VAT. 10 units * 6.00 = 60.00

At the bottom are the totals. Total Ex VAT. Total VAT and Total Inc VAT.

The red X to the left of the item allows you to easily remove an item from the shopping cart.