AJAX - Full Array of Parameters

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To save a lot of repeating code, the majority of the functionality use the same parameters.

All of the functionality is coded into the publicly available library fn_javascript_ajax_campaign.js. https://ww3.allnone.ie/library/javascript/fn_javascript_ajax_campaign.js

bxp creates an array to store the parameters. Not all parameters are being used by all functions.

// Variable Initialisation
//Initialising the settings array, and for clarity explaining the elements of the array.
//Simply copy this block of data into your code and replace the values with your system values
//Not that the automation user MUST have an IP Address set for the system to work
aryAjax_Settings[0] = "client_demo"; 					//The system to use
aryAjax_Settings[1] = "demo"; 						//The automation username
aryAjax_Settings[2] = "password"; 					//The automation users password
aryAjax_Settings[3] = "1"; 						//The Id of the campaign
aryAjax_Settings[4] = "strCDA_1_field_0_0"; 				//The search field
aryAjax_Settings[5] = "1"; 						//The search value
aryAjax_Settings[13] = "-1";						//Id of the current record, used for delimiting and not repeating current case
aryAjax_Settings[14] = "true";						//Click through to campaign?
aryAjax_Settings[15] = "divWarning";					//The id of the destination to which the table will be inserted
aryAjax_Settings[16] = "Table";						//The default option is to create a table to display.  The other options is Insert. Which will insert the values into the relevant fields.

//The fields to be returned into the array
//The column names of those fields
//The first field must always be the ID of the campaign
aryAjax_Settings[6] = "intCDA_1_Id,strCDA_1_field_0_0,strCDA_1_field_0_1";
aryAjax_Settings[12] = "Id,Field 1,Field 2";
aryAjax_Settings[17] = "intCDA_1_Id,strCDA_1_field_0_0,strCDA_1_field_0_1";	//For insertion, what local campaign fields will the data be transferred into.
// Extra settings fields used by the function, but made available globally for testing
aryAjax_Settings[7] = "";						//Constructed URL for retrieveing data
aryAjax_Settings[8] = "-1";						//Error Status
aryAjax_Settings[9] = "";						//Error Translation
aryAjax_Settings[10] = "-1";						//Record count
aryAjax_Settings[11] = "";						//Alternate Destination if required. Constructed just before use

aryAjax_Settings[18] = "true";						//Show table if empty? By default always show something.
aryAjax_Settings[19] = "";						//Custom sort order if needed
aryAjax_Settings[33] = "";						//Custom sort orderDESC 
aryAjax_Settings[20] = "";						//Custom group by if needed
aryAjax_Settings[21] = "false";						//Limit to My Records only
aryAjax_Settings[22] = "";						//Auto Login - System
aryAjax_Settings[23] = "";						//Auto Login - User
aryAjax_Settings[24] = "";						//Auto Login - SessionId

//--Live Search----------------------------------------------------------------------------
aryAjax_Settings[25] = "";						//Field to Update (Id Value)
aryAjax_Settings[26] = "";						//Function After Update
aryAjax_Settings[27] = "";						//Field to Update (Display Text)

//--Post Data Rerrieval Execution----------------------------------------------------------
aryAjax_Settings[28] = "";						//Generic function call

//--Live Search Format Options-------------------------------------------------------------
aryAjax_Settings[29] = "";						//Buttons in the first column or the last column 	--> First/Last
aryAjax_Settings[30] = "";						//Multi - button functionality	 					--> Two colours
aryAjax_Settings[31] = "";						//Button Text (multi separated by ','  				--> XXXXXXXX,XXXXXXX
aryAjax_Settings[32] = "";						//Value for matching to show button 2 				--> XXXXXXX

//--Order Options----------------------------------------------------------------------------
aryAjax_Settings[33] = "";						//Sort descending

//--AJax Data Insert/Update/Delete Parameters----------------------------------------------------------------------------
aryAjax_Settings[34] = "";						//Fields to insert to
aryAjax_Settings[35] = "";						//Values to insert
aryAjax_Settings[36] = "";						//Field to search on
aryAjax_Settings[37] = "";						//Value to search with
aryAjax_Settings[38] = "";						//Add a CCl
aryAjax_Settings[39] = "";						//divName

//--All System Management Parameter--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
aryAjax_Settings[40] = "500";						//Total limit
//Please note that fields 4 and 5 will be ignored if 41 is used (4 and 5 still need to be filled in) 
//i.e. aryAjax_Settings[41] = "strCDA_X_field_0_0 = 'Current' And intCDA_X_Id > '6'"
aryAjax_Settings[41] = "";						//Complex Where clause