Gamification - Award Program

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1 Overview

An Award scheme is a gamification approach through the Gamification module. The idea is that staff can allocate each other points.

2 Create a Scheme

2.1 Step 1. Create a Scheme

Main Menu > Gamification > Gamification Management > Scheme Create


  • Name: Test
  • Active: True
  • Engine: Awards
  • Window: All

Awards Engine

  • Awards - Points: 10
  • Awards - Window: Quarterly
  • Awards - Engine: Effort[--X--]True[--X--][--Y--]Attitude[--X--]True[--X--][--Y--]Teamwork[--X--]True[--X--][--Y--]

To explain these, name and active are pretty self explanatory.

Engine as Awards, is because this is an Awards program

Window. How long will the points accumulate. Some programs need you to spend your points in a quarter or lose them. Window is the time frame to accumulate points.

Awards - Points. How many points do you get to allocate to other participants in the scheme. If you edit this number it will not affect current points. It is simply the level for the next reset.

Awards - Window. How frequently should the points refresh. i.e. when will you get more points to allocate to others.

Awards - Engine. If you want to customise for WHAT people get the points, you can. In this example the scheme will allow point awarding for Effort, Attitude and Teamwork. Each item is split by a [--Y--] at the end. Each item has three parts, split by the [--X--].

  • The first part is the name of the type.
  • The second word is True or False, meaning can these items be posted as public.
  • The last section although blank allows for an email address or a key work of "recipient", "all" or a custom email list. These are the people who will be notified by email if points have been allocated to them. The system will use the email address set up on each users account. If you put a custom list in but one of the addresses is --recipient-- then it'll be replace by the address of the recipient.

The rest of the fields are to do with other types of schemes so can be left blank.

Click "Add Scheme" and your scheme is created.

2.2 Step 2. Grant Access

Only people who've explicitly been granted access to a scheme can participate. If you're following the process from above click on "Click here to grant users access to this Scheme". Alternately you can access the add system through

Main Menu > Gamification > Gamification Management > Security - Grant Scheme access to users > Lookup the scheme > Select the scheme >

For the purpose of this demo make sure you include yourself and one other account. Don't add everyone yet as you're testing. When you want to go live you can go back in and add as many further users as you like.

Quite simply click the users you wish to include in your Scheme. When ready click "Save and continue". Don't worry about double selecting users, as the system sensibly manages those who are included in the scheme.

2.3 Step 3. Create Rewards

The next step is to give some rewards for users to redeem with the points.

Main Menu > Gamification > Gamification Management > Reward - Create > Lookup the scheme > Select the scheme >

  • Name: Is the name of the reward
  • Active: True, for easy management of rewards
  • Points: How much does it cost to redeem this reward
  • Data: This field is used for other reward types
  • Image: You can put a URL to a picture in this field to make your rewards appear more interactive. The images are 160 x 100 pixels in dimensions.

When done click "Add Reward"

2.4 Step 4. Check its working

Your scheme is now set up and ready to use. Lets have a look at what most users will interact with.

Main Menu > Gamification > My Account > My Status >

Your screen will list all of the schemes you are involved in.

From here you can allocate points to users or you can try to redeem rewards.

For testing please remember you can only give points to another person. So you will need to log into the other persons account to redeem against points allocated.

2.5 Step 5. Reporting

Your main report will be the Awards - Status Report

Main Menu > Gamification > Gamification Reporting > Awards - Status Report > Select the scheme >

This report lists all the participants with a full break down of allocations of points.

Points allocated shows as a green number. Points still to be allocated is the red number.

2.6 Step 6. Resetting Points

At the end of a month you'll want to reset the points system to give people more points to allocate.

Main Menu > Gamification > Gamification Management > Awards - Reset > Select the scheme >

The system uses the "Awards - Points" field of the scheme to figure out how many points to allocate.

The default engine position is to reset all points to the "Awards - Points" amount. So if you haven't spent your points, then they are lost.

2.7 Step 7. Exceptional allocation

It is possible to donate or remove exceptional points.

Main Menu > Gamification > Gamification Management > Awards - Exceptional Allocation > Select the scheme >

You then use the engine exactly as if you were donating the points, but it won't come from your points.

Please note that exceptions are also emailed the same way donations are normally done.

2.8 Step 8. Status

For a quick snapshot of where all the points are there is a useful Status report.

Main Menu > Gamification > Gamification Management > Awards - Status Report > Select the scheme >

2.9 Step 9. Auditing Allocations

There is a full auditing engine to allow you to review all the events that have occurred. There is extensive filtering options available on this report.

Main Menu > Gamification > Gamification Management > Awards - Audit Allocation > Select the scheme >

These parameters allow limiting by :

  • Time: To limit the scope of events
  • Rewards: To redemption of specific rewards
  • Audit Type: For specific types of event already logged. Please not this dynamically changes when different types of events happen.
  • User Acting: This is an audit of the user performing the action
  • Allocated To: This is an audit of the people receiving points
  • All, Private, Public: If event type is to be limited

The Event log is not editable in any way.

2.10 Step 10. Team Stats Report

There is a team status report to allow team managers to review the status of their members. This Status report as per Step 8, is limited to people who are in the same Security Groups. For more information on Security Groups and their management Organogram_with_Group_Profiling