ECourse - Making File Assets Searchable

bxp software (bxp) allows you to easily upload files into bxp and show them on various eCourse pages. When there is a text asset on the page, i.e. you're writing directly onto the page, all of that material is instantly searchable by bxp. If you upload an image of a process flow, a video on how to fix something or a Microsoft Word document or Adobe PDF document, then the material is locked away and not searchable.

For every asset in bxp the system allows "Grouping" words to be stored. For some people these could be called Keywords. In HTML parlance, Meta Tags or searchable Meta Keywords. So you can add a host of searchable text to any asset in the system.

For PDFs and Docs, the process of extracting the text and making it a usable searchable text string was laborious. All of the labour has now been removed and it is easy to make the content of these asset types searchable.

The process is

  1. Upload your asset to the system and embed it on your eCourse page
  2. Go to Main Menu > eCourse Management > Asset Management > Asset - Make Uploaded File searchable
  3. Lookup your file asset and a large text area should be presented to you.
  4. At this point open your Word document / PDF. And press Ctrl on your keyboard and the letter A key. This should highlight all of the contents of the document.
  5. Now use Ctrl and C to copy all of the material
  6. Click back into the large text area in bxp and use Ctrl and V to paste all of the material in.
  7. Click the "Add Searchable Words" button

At the end of this process bxp will search the contents you just put into the Grouping words and your file will be searchable as if the search was going into the document to read the contents.