You and your bxp

From All n One's bxp software Wixi

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1 Introduction

At All n One we strive to provide the most secure system to our users. Here is some guidelines on using bxp software in a safe and secure way.

1.1 Guidelines

1. Do not give your password for bxp to anyone.

2. Make sure you log out of the service when you are finished using the software.

3. When sensitive data is displayed on screen, do not leave it their for others to read.

4. Only use your own bxp account to use the service.

5. Any information downloaded/printed from bxp software should be stored securly and only accessible to authorised colleagues.

6. Comply with data protection laws when using the service. The link provided is a five minute long data protection video that we would advise watching[Data Protection]

7. Only use bxp software from a machine secured with the latest Anti-virus and spy-ware scanners.

8. Do not keep your password documented in an unsecure place. The password for your account should only be accessible to you.

9. Use the latest browsing software when using bxp to increase the power of TLS encryption used.

10.Use bxp software in a secure private network when accessing data. This will mitigate against packet sniffing software