Understanding the Outcome Process Order

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An outcome is one of the most powerful parts of the entire bxp platform as it enables work to happen.

As bxp is a functional (step by step) engine, everything has a specific order to it.

This document details the processing order of the outcome to allow for discussions and understanding of the hows and whys an outcome runs.

Processing order

Order Title Details Link
1 CDA storage Understanding_the_bxp_Form_structure
2 Realex process Realex_Outcomes
3 CCL process Understanding_the_bxp_Form_structure
4 Quality scoring process Quality_Reporting_Scoring_Concepts
5 Exam scoring process Examination_-_Building_a_Test
6 Career path process Career_Path
7 MetaData process MetaData_Program_and_Outcomes
8 Rebuild the CDA This process ensures any MetaData changes are picked up
9 Internal Communications process Outcomes_-_Internal_Communications
10 External Communications process Outcomes_-_External_Communications
11 Intra Communications process Outcomes_-_Intra_Communications
12 Task reassignment process Sets the Staff Id of the CDA to someone else Using_the_Assigned_To_field
13 Calendaring Management
14 Task Creation Task Management module
15 Appointment Creation Appointment Management module Using_bxp_outcomes_for_Appointment_Management
16 DataPush Data transfer to external systems Outcome_-_DataPush
17 Instant Transfer Campaign Push Campaign Transfer engine Outcome_-_Campaign_Transfer
18 Instant Transfer Campaign Return Campaign Transfer engine Outcome_-_Campaign_Transfer
19 Custom Parameters Outcomes_-_Custom_Processing_Parameters
20 Redirecting URL construction
21 Prewipe fields Data protection processes to hide data