Quality Releasing Key Fields

When using the From - Quality Header type there are a number of operational decisions that need to be made as to how your QA program operates.

The header itself has 15 fields but operationally these can be system controlled or given to the user to fill in. Deciding which are available and not available to change can vastly influence the results, objectivity and manageability of the QA program. Care should be taken when adjusting from the defaults.

For more information on the fields and their display on screen please read here. Form_Quality_Header

Even if values are changed, the contact history will show a record of all people who interacted with the record. This audit log cannot be changed.

Person needs to be adjustable for the Load - Input approach for the first record. After the first use it becomes locked so that this assessment cannot be reallocated to anyone else. The default is False. By setting this value to true, the assessment could be assigned to anyone else. It is strongly advised not to change this field. However if an assessor makes a genuine mistake on the assessment and assess the wrong person. Changing this flag on a temporary basis to fix the mistake and then putting it back, can be labour saving.

Assessor is set when the assessment is updated. It is set automatically for the user who is logged in. Allowing this to be changed could see it possible for assessments to be logged by one user for another assessor. The default is False.

Coached By is set when the coaching is being performed. It is set automatically for the user who is logged in and performing coaching. Allowing this to be changed could see it possible for assessments to be coached by another person. The default is False.

Creation Date on the Load - Input approach is adjustable for the first record only. After the first use it becomes locked so that this assessment cannot be date time created assigned to a different date time. The default is False.

Assessed Date is the data that the record shows the assessment was performed. This is set systematically. In rare cases it may be necessary to allow an assessor to modify on the record when the assessment was performed, e.g. for field / classroom / demonstration assessments where BE is not available in the field. The default is False.

External Ref is a reference to file on a phone system, a results document on a network drive, or a case number. This is a reference to a unique identifier for the assessment that is external to bxp software. By default if you're using references to external items, you will probably be loading them into the system to be assessed. For this reason the default is False though there are many examples where this will be changed to True.

Origin is a Net Promoter Score or Customer Effectiveness Score or similar. Usually these are loaded into the system to remove the chance of mistakes or confusion with the values. The default position is that they are mass loaded from external systems so should not be alterable. The default is False.