I want to use bxp for my organisation, where do I start?

From All n One's bxp software Wixi

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1 Welcome

Firstly thank you and a very warm welcome to bxp from All n One. This wixi article is here to get you going and answer the big questions about what is and how bxp works.

The first thing to do with bxp is to gather the requirements. What is bxp to be used for? For this bxp has a requirements gathering template we use to get a better understanding of your business. File:Client Project Template v1-7.docx

From this a number of questions arise

1.1 Initial questions

  • Q. What is a security champion?
  • A. The primary contact in the client organisation for all security related matters. Here to help this person is a large wixi of useful resources. Security_-_Start_Here

2 Thank you

A huge thank you to Geoffrey Wheeler for working through this process and helping to construct this wixi.