Horizontal Delivery Options

There are five options available on this page. If your test is going to be horizontal in display, edit the settings as you wish. The first two options are the same as the Vertical Delivery options, i.e. Opening Instructions and Closing Instructions. The last three options are in addition.

  1. 'Opening Instructions' - This has already been pre-populated with Good --period--. Best of luck --firstname--. Please remember to ensure you answer all questions. However, if you would like to add your own custom opening instructions please add them into the text area provided.
  2. 'Closing Instructions' - If you would like to add your own custom closing instructions please add them into the text area provided.
  3. 'Horizontal - Show Progress' - When a question is displayed in a horizontal manner display the progress of the student on screen. Choose True or False.
  4. 'Horizontal - Show Effort' - When questions are displayed as one question per page, show the effort per question. Choose True or False.
  5. 'Information Block' - This includes the fields in the contact block.