Function Vs. Content

bxp software (bxp) breaks its security into two distinct aspects. Function and Content.


1 Function

bxp is made of modules. Each module is made up of sections. Each section contains functions. The security of modules and sections is managed in the System Access Management module. A user can be granted access to a module and then also needs to be granted to the sections within that module. This provides granular control to the functionality of any solution.

Examples of functions are "delete a record", "generate a report".

For more information please read Bxp_-_Logical_Structure

Modules, Sections and Functions are managed by the Framework Department of All n One. Functionality development can be commissioned by a client but remains the Intellectual Property (IP) of All n One.

2 Content

Data, images and material loaded into the bxp framework are called content.

Separate explicit access must also be granted to the content that exists within these modules and sections and which is available to functions.

For example being granted access to a campaign, does not provide the functional access to the campaign and vice versa. Both must be granted separately and explicitly.

So for a user to access a particular book they must first be given permission to access the module eCourse, then the section called "Read". This gives them the ability to read eCourses. They must then be given content access to read the books relevant to them.

Different modules have different content types.

  • Functional access is granted through the System Access Management module when adding or editing a user Create_a_User
  • Content access is granted through the specific module itself or through functions in the System Access Management module's Security - Content Access section.

For a full listing of all Content Access management Bxp_Security_-_Content_Management

Generated content is commissioned to be developed by the Content Department of All n One. Commissioned content remains the Intellectual Property (IP) of the client it is developed for.

3 Notes of ownership

It is important for a bxp Client to understand the ownership of IP.

Worked examples :

The Quality Assurance module of bxp allows QA assessments to be built and administered. This is functional IP. The questions and layout within that assessment are content. This is content IP.

4 Supporting tools

4.1 Security Management console

To help with security management there is a dedicated Security Management console which can be used to help speed up security management for both function and content.

Main Menu > System Access Management > System Management > Console - Security