Employee Self-Service (ESS)

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1 Overview

Employee self-service (ESS) is web-based applications that provide employees with access to their personal records and payroll details. ESS features include allowing employees to change their own contact details, family members and banking information and benefits. ESS also allows administrative tasks like applying for a leave, reviewing of timesheet, inquiring about available loan programs, requesting for overtime payment, viewing of compensation history, and submitting of reimbursement slips. With the emergence of ESS, employees are able to transact with their Human Resource office without physical appearance which is considered irrelevant in some transactions. ESS may be operated on an employer's intranet or via a web service. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Employee_self-service

Every user account in bxp is unique. Every action made in bxp is recorded against this unique account and is auditable.

Security details and permissions are always associated with this unique account.

It is also possible to store Human Resources details with an account.

The bxp platform provides a centralised system to view details, update details and also link off to other HR and employee based services facilitated not only on the bxp system but in other platforms as well.

2 Accessing ESS

Every account in bxp can access their "My Details" through the "I Want To" bar. The_I_Want_To_bar

"My Details" layout changes depending on the HR configuration configured by your business through the HR module. 023.png

3 Configuring ESS

It is possible to configure your self-service in any way you require.

Main Menu > Human Resources > Management > HR Primary Settings >

There are a number of sections available which influence the ESS layout and capabilities.

There are four aspects of the ESS interface

  • Basic HR details : fields which can be read and edited.
  • HR data : Records and documents associated with the user account
  • HR diaries : For time management and information purposes
  • HR request management : For HR based support processes

3.1 Basic HR Details

These are the fields that can be seen. When a field of information can be seen, there will be two options. The field can be read only and the field can be edited. If read only the field will show the data for information purposes only. If editable, the user can change the data themselves and save the HR department from having to make the changes.

A completely customisable layout is possible. The format is HTML using replacements. Each field is marked with --strFieldName#Type-- Type can be Edit or Read. The strFieldName is from a list of potential fields listed below.

  • A full configuration is available here.
  • The default bxp system configuration is available here.

3.2 HR data

These sections link to different forms in bxp which are capable of storing data and documents. Documents attached to these records are accessible / downloadable through the various sections that are configured. The sections available are :

  • Recruitment
  • Official Communication
  • LeaveRequest
  • Contract
  • UserDocs
  • Disciplinary Docs
  • Personal Dev
  • HRDocs
  • Targets
  • Assets
  • Qualifications
  • Quality

All records can be stored in a single form or can have separate dedicated forms. This configuration is completely down to business requirements.

For each type a number of key details are required.

Type Function Content
Form Id The Form which holds the document Number
Data Field The field which contains what kind of document this is Drop down list field
Data Value The value which the above field must contain String
Staff Field The Staff Id field which links the records to this user Drop down list field
Display Fields Which fields of information from this form are to be displayed. list of strCDA_X_field_Y_Z fields from the form comma separated.
Allow Click Into Can the user click into this record True / False
KeyStat Id Is there a keystat to be associated for this information KeyStat Id
eCourse Id Is there an eCourse to support this information eCourse Book Id, if full Id used, will go straight to the page.
Status Field The state of the request / document field Drop down list field
Status Values The value that must be supplied for the record to appear in the ESS Value that must be in the field. If blank all records matching user id are returned.