Bulletin for bxp users - 2015-10-01 - Welcome to the bulletin

From All n One's bxp software Wixi

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1 Welcome

The bxp bulletin is a newsletter aimed specifically at bxp users. This bulletin provides a round up of the changes and relevant news for the last week.

If you have any hints, tips or suggestions you'd like added to our newsletter please get in touch. bulletin@bxpsoftware.com

2 New

2.1 Functions

048.png eCourse - Asset now has the ability to grant multiple users access to multiple assets from the same screen, greatly speeding up permissions.

  • Main Menu > eCourse Management > Asset Management > Asset Level Access - Grant read and use permission
  • Main Menu > eCourse Management > Asset Management > Asset Level Access - Grant edit permission

016.png 038.png Form Security - The ability to group remove forms from a user is now available.

  • Main Menu > Security Access Management > Security - Content Access > Form - Multiple Remove Forms by User

056.png Control Bar - The ability to grant group access permissions to groups of links is now available. The previous option here only allowed one link at a time.

  • Main Menu > Control Bar > Security Management > Allow users access to link

016.png How to style bxp - Learn how completely customize and tailor your bxp interface with your own images, backgrounds and buttons etc.


006.png Communications Centre Templates - There are often requirements to use the bulk email capability of bxp software (bxp) on a semi-regular or even very regular basis. Creating the HTML emails from scratch, storing them somewhere else or having to customise the templates frequently can make templates cumbersome to manage. For this reason there is a template storage facility within bxp for email templates. http://www.bxpsoftware.com/wixi/index.php?title=Communications_Centre_-_Templates

038.png SMS and Email Outcome Functionality - From time to time, it may be necessary to send either a SMS or an email as part of an outcome, to internal users or external customers.This is possible through the External or Internal Communications section of the Outcome Manager http://www.bxpsoftware.com/wixi/index.php?title=Form_-_Outcome_Manager

036.png The KeyStat module is one of the most versatile modules in bxp.It allows reports and other information to be generated from various databases and perform vast customisation of the returned data.The main part of the module is the key stat workbook which stores all the individual tabs associated with a workbook.


3 Fixes

3.1 Hamsters

038.png When using Email-2-Form there can occasionally be issues with long emails (usually a result of spam emails). The default storage size for the body of the email (not including attachments) was 64Kb, which is a LOT of text. We've now increased this to 16MiB. This should cut out occasional issue emails with very long bodies.

      Type | Maximum length
  TINYTEXT |           255 (2 8−1) bytes
      TEXT |        65,535 (216−1) bytes = 64 KiB
MEDIUMTEXT |    16,777,215 (224−1) bytes = 16 MiB
  LONGTEXT | 4,294,967,295 (232−1) bytes =  4 GiB

3.2 Logic

006.png Upon review of generating a PDF when using a communications template: To keep the file size down the image is linked not embedded. If the image is stored on a bxp server then the image isn't included in the PDF. Security means that only validly logged in users will be able to get to the image. It is All n One's advice that when setting up templates that the images for your PDF are stored on a public server of the clients, with the public unsecured URL used.

047.png When a reader goes in to look at books the order of the books can be a little confusing at first. Management of your book order is really easy but does need some attention.

Main Menu > eCourse Management > Book Management > Reorder Books

If the books have the same number, i.e. all 1s, then the books will alphabetically sort.

4 Security

016.png Replace permissions now allows KeyStats permissions to be replaced.

  • Main Menu > System Access Management > User Administration > Edit User - Replace permissions > Choose the user to alter >

016.png Copy User now will also copy KeyStats permissions and Big Buttons (if created).

  • Main Menu > System Access Management > User Administration > Copy User - Includes security access

5 Scenarios

bxp as a secure Website Data Store - bxp software (bxp) has the ability to act as a secure data store for numerous website and mobile applications. The setup and management of a data store is very straight forward but requires some background and understanding of the how and what is to be done. This scenario provides a step by step, mirroring the contents of the BEAPI BEAPI but providing a worked scenario. http://www.bxpsoftware.com/wixi/index.php?title=Scenario_-_bxp_as_a_secure_Website_Data_Store

Email marketing campaigns through bxp - Trying to perform marketing using as few people as possible with highest returns possible is a goal for numerous businesses. bxp is a toolkit which can provide numerous capabilities to deliver the program but requires some planning to make the most use of the tools available.

All n One are not a marketing company but we have worked with marketing companies before. We provide tools that in the hands of marketers can yield significant business results.


5.1 New Wixis

048.png eCourse - Book reordering ECourse_-_Reorder_books

000.png bxp api version update to 6-0-0 Bxp_API

Date Author New / Update Title Link Area
2015-09-30 PL New ECourse - Reorder books ECourse_-_Reorder_books Learning
2015-09-30 PL Update Communications Centre - Templates Communications_Centre_-_Templates Communications
2015-09-29 PL Update Scenario - bxp as a secure Website Data Store Scenario_-_bxp_as_a_secure_Website_Data_Store Scenario
2015-09-28 PL New How to style bxp How_to_style_bxp Style

5.2 3rd Party Newsletters

Data Protection News - http://www.pdp-email.com/dp30092015/

E-Learning Heroes - https://community.articulate.com/?utm_source=epiphanies&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=092915-Epiphanies-logo&mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRolvqXAZKXonjHpfsX56%2BUuWqS%2FlMI%2F0ER3fOvrPUfGjI4CTsZlI%2BSLDwEYGJlv6SgFT7jGMblo27gPWxA%3D

Articulate - http://blogs.articulate.com/rapid-elearning/complete-list-free-stock-image-sites-e-learning/?mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRoluaXPZKXonjHpfsX56%2BUuWqS%2FlMI%2F0ER3fOvrPUfGjI4DRMpmI%2BSLDwEYGJlv6SgFT7jGMblo27gPWxA%3D